How’s my running? – Gait Analysis
December 16, 2018I’ve been having recurring issues with my right ankle this year. Nothing too bad, but enough to make me stop running for a couple of weeks for it to disappear (Injury woes). Then 2 weeks ago it moved up into my hip. No a major searing pain, but enough after half a mile that I…
Attenborough level crossing – post meeting brain dump
December 5, 2018A follow up to my post Attenborough Rail Crossing November 2018/ Just back from the meeting. Spoke to their Rights of Way expert. They are claiming that the ‘Cyclepath’ will have a legal standing, but I want to do more digging in to that before commenting too much further. Apparently the lights will be going in…
Food for w/c 25/11/2018
December 4, 2018There’s been a lack of running over the last week as my right leg is playing up again. Glute/Hamstring being the main area, but knee and ankle joining in at point. Have a Gait Analysis with KHPhysiotherapy booked in for Wednesday. Fingers crossed this might work out why my right lower body dislikes me Planning…