Attenborough level crossing – post meeting brain dump

Attenborough level crossing – post meeting brain dump

December 5, 2018 0 By Stuart

A follow up to my post Attenborough Rail Crossing November 2018/

Just back from the meeting.

Spoke to their Rights of Way expert. They are claiming that the ‘Cyclepath’ will have a legal standing, but I want to do more digging in to that before commenting too much further.

Apparently the lights will be going in before the TRO (Traffic Regulation Order), so don’t panic if you see those being installed and haven’t heard any more about the Rights of Way issues.

Their end plan does appear to be a bridge at this location. The reason for remove equestrian access is too allow a smaller bridge (it would need shallower ramps, and the sides would have to be higher as there’s a chance someone will fall over 6 feet off the ground) – this is an artists impression of what one would look like – – that was proposed for Mansfield. It’s certainly a big bit of engineering.

They were insistent that the bridge would be cycle friendly but wouldn’t commit to the end design. Wether we’d be seeing stepped access with wheel channels (horrible with 2.5″ tyres, and also not family or disabled friendly in my opinion ), or proper ramped access , straight or curved.

So not horrendous news, but nothing concrete to assuage all fears. They took the feedback on board so hopefully we’ll get a better message next time with more time for it to be discussed and thought through

They also have a list of local cycle groups (Pedals, Notts CTC, Beeston CC, Beeston RC and VC Long Eaton) to contact so any future announcement should be less of a surprise

The featured image is:
Meadow Lane level crossing
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